Saturday, December 09, 2006

A super project: Roving library

The City and County of San Francisco is the fourth most populous city in California and the fourteenth-most populous in the United States.

San Francisco is also one of the most visited cities in the world, luring travellers with its inviting landscapes, including beautiful hillsides, accompanied by a mild climate.

All the modern amenities for fast living from fast foods to convenience stores and postal services are available at every corner.

One person is also bringing books to the homeless who get barely enough food to eat. Mr. Challa an imigrant to the US from Cameroon who also knows what it is to be homeless is giving something back to the community.

The Roving Library is a project of the Tenderloin Reflection and Education Center (TREC), which is located on that ninth floor of the main San Francisco YMCA at Golden gate and Leavenworth.

People can donate books, or help in any other way. Mr. Challa is available at the TREC during the working hours unless he is carting away books to the folks who can't afford the books to read. He gives the books free to them.

One man's dream and a determination to help is a real inspiration.

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