Sunday, December 25, 2005

Times Persons Of The Year

It is refreshing to read U2's Bono and philanthropy billionaires Bill and Melinda Gates
taking the cover of the Times as the Persons Of this year for their continued commitment in spending millions to take on global poverty.

In times past, you would think that a rock star will shine and be heard on stage and through his music. Not so any more, the world leaders in global summits such as in G8 and other meetings are now listening to them.

Software architect and Microsoft boss Bill Gates and Melinda Gates have made global leaders listen to them not only with their money but with their innovative programs to eradicate disease and lift the poor out of their plight. The human race is running against time in environmental protection and unresolved conflicts, but if there is any hope for the future, this year's cover of Times Magazine recognizing an unlikely Trio does stand out as beacon of hope that could bring happiness to the forgotten millions.

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